Okay, so it's March already and my last post was in January, what else is new?
Well around here, not a hell of a lot. Sorry for the rather harsh words, but this winter has been a bit much. Am I overstepping to say that I am totally sick of snow and cold? I didn't think so, but you never know.
Anyway, here it is another snowy weekend. I was hoping to get a bit of shopping, etc done for Laurel's wedding, but that depends on tomorrows snow fall.
I am not surviving this winter well. I know that I mentioned earlier that Wayne threw his back out way back in October, well guess who is still off work? Yah, you got it. Wayne is still off and his back is not getting any better, if anything it's getting worse.
I've been the strong one since I was 13 and my parents split up. I'm tired. I don't want to be the strong one anymore, but if I don't, who will take over for me?
I've lived on minimal funds for most of my life. I do it well. That doesn't mean that I want to keep on doing it. I would love to be looked after for once.
At 53 years of age, I want the good things of life. You know, retirement, being looked after (because you're soooo old), Not trying to figure out how to pay the bills, put food on the table, be upbeat and be both the best employee going as well as Super Wife & Mother.
Wayne and I had a good long talk/visit tonight. Considering that I have had more than my share of Rye and coke since I got home from word, that is a major accomplishment.
It mostly boiled down to faith. How things happen for a reason, even if we don't know what the reason is.
So, guess what? I need somebody to make me feel better. You know, more in charge. Womebody who will make me feel better. Someone who will be in charge of me. Soon would be good.
Anne to some,
Mom to others