Saturday, March 24, 2007

The Superest Saturday Ever!

Yay Laidlaw Bantam Bruins!!! Congratulations on winning the championship today. I am so glad that I could be there to see Yoshi (Josh to most of you) and his team come in #1.

After raising my kids in a hockey rink, or so it seemed, I haven't spent much time in the last 12 or 13 years at the rink. Actually, I can probably count the hours spent on my 2 hands. I admit I'm a bad grandma, who doesn't go to all the games, like some of my friends do. I have good intentions at the start of the season, but time slips away from me and I just don't seem to make it out to games. The same holds true in the summer for soccer.

Anyway last Tuesday evening I went to see what would probably be Josh's last game for the year. In order to continue on to Super Saturday, they needed to win by 6 goals. They did it with just over 1 minute left in the game. I honestly think that if I hadn't been there cheering them on (who am I kidding, I was screaming my fool head off) they never would have done it.

Being the teams new good luck charm, I had to go out to today's game. Picture me holding Colin on my lap while jumping up and down to be able to see and screaming in my loudest voice 'Lets Go Bruins' along with assorted bits of advice like 'dig, dig, dig', 'get that puck out of there', stop him' and other bits of wisdom that only an experienced hockey mom would know. Poor Colin. He is by no means a light weight, but he nearly became airborne a few times during my leaps to see what was happening in the corner. He is definately a trusting child though, because by the third period he was sound asleep in my arms even though I was still leaping and screaming.

It made me very proud to see my number one grandson out there skating his heart out on a team that all gave 150% today. His coaches must be congratulated on their ability to lead their team onto victory and still teach them to be good sportsmanlike players at the same time. Everyboy was out there playing, no matter what their ability. I've seen many team sports over the years when the 'best' players played the most time and the lesser players kept the bench warm. Team sports are for everyone, not just the chosen few.

Anyway, if you happen to read this Yoshi, remember that no matter how many games I might miss, I'm your number 1 fan. Maybe I'll see you at soccer this year.

1 comment:

WowoJeans said...

gramma that was a very nice story but it's lawfield bruins and in that tuesday game we scored with 15 seconds left lol anyways i like it besides the very few errors

Josh aka.Yoshi
ps. thx for the 20 bucks:P