Okay, So beat me already! My last post was in August. What have I been doing!?
Let me see now? Krystal, Troy & the monsters, (aka my grandkids) moved to St Thomas in September. Wayne & I took Emzee & NayNay to Florida in October and survived 2 weeks with 2 grandchildren. One week after we got back from Florida. Wayne threw his back out, again. This time it had something to do with a suitcase, clean socks and our demented cat! The first of December, I decided to get pneumonia,causing me to miss both my company Christmas Party, at the Landmark in Burlington, where I could never afford to eat, as well as Krystal's "All Girl's Christmas Party in St Thomas" where I not only had the pj's to wear, but the booze to drink to make it an excellant Christmas party. Instead I spent 1 week in my favorite lazy boy chair hacking up a lung!!!
Okay, so I was back to work, with pneumonia, on December 10th, against my better judgement. I volunteered both Emzee & Yoshi to help me with my Christmas Baking and being the good little grandchildren slaves that they are, my baking is done. Although to a lesser degree than normal. I only managed to fill 16 tins, plus 6 pies which is down about 1/2 from normal.
I did manage to cook dinner for 18 with dessert for another 12. Again thanks to both my kids and grandkids who got roped into helping me. For those who haven't caught on yet. If you're foolish enough to hang out in the kitchen, you will get put to work!!!
Thanks to Pickle girl Alisha, Potato Masher (all 13 lbs) Aubrey and Gravy Master Shawn!
Once again, Cookie Nanny & Papa, aka Mom & Carl, did the best with their gifts for their great-grandkids, especially the potato chips, their grand-kids, all 13 of them, and of course their children and sons-in-law!
Mom, I have to say that you are A#1 when it comes to presents!!!
For those who didn't notice, Auntie Dolly & Uncle Johnny were not here this year. Auntie Dolly had a knee replacement and is not yet able to navigate stairs. Wayne & I will be bringing them a leftover dinner for Boxing Day along with their goodies.
Tired of being knee deep in presents, Wayne & I decided to hold Our First Annual Family Christmas Pot Luck last weekend, December 15th. It was the first and it won't be the last!! It was great. Every family brought a dinner and a dessert item. All of the grandkids gift exchange gifts and the gifts from Gramma & Grumpa were exchanged. There were crafts and a Pagent written by yours truly. I figure I have an whole year to plan the next one! You also have a whole year to figure out how to be included!
I also have to say that this was a very special Christmas for us becuase our oldest grandchild, Jessica, turned 16 on December 23rd. We gave her a very special gift that I hope she will have for the rest of her life.
Now I only have to say how much Christmas means to me!
I want everyone who reads this to think about the true meaning of Christmas.
It is the Celebration of the birth of Christ.
We exchange gifts in rememberance of the gifts of the Magi to the Christ Child.
The Christ Child was born into poverty.
In the name of the Christ Child should remember those who have less than we do.
When we chose our gifts to give, we should remember those who can't give, but are glad to recieve.
It is better to give than to receive.
As much as I would like to recieve, it is better somehow to give, and I have to remember the bleak years.
There but for the grace of God go I.
Thanks be to God for what we have and for what we can give.
If it is God's will I will give more to those in need next year than this.
To all of my friends and family I wish you a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in the Care of God.
All My Love & Blessings
Anne Croley
Mom to Some & Anne to Others
1 comment:
tis Laurel... just not signed in... wanted to say that I will look forward to spending many more Christmases with you.... your pageant for the kids was in true Mom style!!! Love you tons and thanks for your hard work this year when you were still not at 100%.... :)
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