Sunday, July 3, 2011

Endings & Beginnings

Well, once again it's been a while since I've posted. In my defense, I can at least say that I have been very busy lately. I've accomplished a few of the goals that I had set for myself this spring.
With much help from Carrie, Craig and Wayne, we rented a cube van and finally got the basement cleaned out at Carl's. We managed to salvage many possession's of my mothers that have since found new homes at my place as well as among my children's homes.
I have gotten some of the work done in my back yard gardens that I wanted to get done this year. I'm off on holidays next Friday, so in that week I'm planning on building a new back porch, edging my gardens, installing a sprinkler system and tackling the never ending job of weeding.
I attended Emily's "Tartan Tea" mini Highland dance recital where she received her silver medal in Highland dancing. On the next weekend I attended Steps dance recital and watched Emily perform in Cheerleading and Madelyn in both Tap and Ballet.
Wayne and I went to St Thomas to celebrate Krystal and Aaron's birthdays. Aaron had the coolest birthday party where him and his friends got to learn some rock songs and even put on a mini concert for their parents at the end of the party. After spending an afternoon watching 'Guitarzan' and his friends play, Wayne was inspired to get back into learning guitar and has been dutifully practicing ever since.
I've also dug out my piano books and have been doing some playing and am working with Emily on a few songs as well.
Last weekend, I had one of our infamous family party's to celebrate Aubrey's 37th birthday as well as 4 graduations. Both Zak & Tyler graduated from grade 8 and Josh and Alicia graduated from grade 12.
On the 30th I held my first ever Ladies Nite to Partay to celebrate Canada Day. All 3 of my girls were able to attend as well as Carrie's husbands cousins Kristine and Michelle and Krystal's sister-in-law Missy and her mom Wendy. I also welcome Christan, who is a friend of mine from work. It was a great evening with lots of food, drinks and some good fun. Hopefully, this will become a new tradition for me to continue.
Today I purchased an electric guitar and amp for myself. I was lucky to get a great deal at my neighbours yard sale and even though it wasn't planned, it wasn't a totally unexpected purchase for me. I had an electric guitar back when I was 14, but never really learned to play very much before I sold it. I've often thought about getting back into it, but never really thought about it too seriously until a few weeks ago when Wayne started playing again. At least I didn't buy one of the ones that I had looked at in Long & Mcquades. I can justify a lot of my impulse purchases, but $300 plus for a guitar that I might never play well or often would be really pushing it. The $40 I paid is much more realistic. However the $800 electric piano I've been looking at may happen at some point.
So Endings & Beginnings - Let me start with the endings.
My mothers clothes, jewellery, personal belongings, pictures, keepsakes and most of her ornaments have been either distributed or disposed of. I still have some of her clothes here that I might be able to use myself. I have her old wig that I want to wash, set and style and maybe even wear once or twice. I have pictures to sort, but definitely keep and I will probably still get rid of a few more ornaments when I'm ready to let go.
Four of my grandkids have ended a period of their lives by graduating. Granted for Zak and Tyler high school looms in the very near future. Wayne and I were at Alica and Josh's grad and it was not only a time of celebration for me, but a time of contemplation of my own school years. I never graduated from high school. I quit in grade 10 to get married. Yes I was only 15 and even though I thought I was so grown up, in hindsight I can see that I was just looking to run away from a somewhat unhappy homelife. In the years since, I have taken many night school courses as well as courses in Adult Educations centers, but I never did get my diploma. I also have taken many college courses and sometimes joke that I have just as many college credits as high school credits, but I never completed either. I know it's never too late to go back and who knows, I might someday get both my grade 12 diploma and a college diploma as well, but it wouldn't be the same, especially at this stage of my life.
One of the nicest endings is that I no longer have any room to plant anything in my back yard gardens! I have six separate garden areas in my back yard and this year I finally ran out of room. I can't see myself starting any more gardens in the back and if the weeds can be kept at bay, the perennials that are planted there now will soon have to be thinned out. I am proud of how nice my yard is looking and even though it will still need a lot of work in the next few years, I have a definite sense of accomplishment there. Yay me!!
Okay, now on to Beginnings
Zak & Tyler will be going to High School in the fall. While this is not my own personal beginning, I now how both of them have struggled, as well as their parents to get them this far. A new start in a new school for both of them is a good opportunity and I am very proud of both of them.
Alica and Kayla will both be starting at Mohawk College in the fall. Alicia in Nursing and Kayla in Child and Youth Worker. Once again I am very proud of these two young ladies who have their heads on straight and am looking forward to seeing them both succeed in the next few years.
Josh has decided to return to Barton for one more year before continuing on to college. He hasn't quite decided yet what he wants to do, although he is leaning towards woodworking/cabinetry. This coming year will give him a chance to make up his mind as well as to work towards his future.
Emily goes into grade 8 in September, so as well as working on her dancing and swimming, she will be working towards high school. I have already promised her that when she gets her gold medal in Highland, I will buy her full costume for her. Hmmm, I think I had better start saving soon.
After today's purchase, I will be also starting to learn guitar as well as working on my piano. Music has always played a very important part of my life. Even though I go in spurts, I always go back to playing and every time I do, it gets a little bit easier and my playing gets a little bit better.
Oh and last but not least. The very newest beginning in my life. Aubrey and Leandra are now the proud parents of Samuel Wilson Whalen, 9lb 1oz, born at 11:23pm on July 2nd. That makes an even 16 - 8 boys and 8 girls. Okay guys, enough already.